Startup Savefile

Moderator: SharksGM

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Startup Savefile

Post by Parker »

Hey people, does anyone have a copy of the savefile for the league from before we started simming? I lost my copy when my last notebook died for the third time. By the way, never buy Hewlett-Packard - the hardware is mediocre at best and their after-sale support is an absolute f**king disgrace. Of course I'm also a Palm Pre owner and HP just bought Palm so it seems I can't get away from them no matter what, but I digress. Original savefile if anyone has it. Thanks guys. 8-)

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Penguin »

I don't have it. But, I agree with HP having a terrible customer service! Tried to get some drivers from the site to install my HP printer and I had to chat with this guy called Valentino. He was clueless as fuck.

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Parker »

My laptop originally died under warranty. It was a GPU issue as before it died entirely, I'd have random system crashes that Windows eventually recovered from and gave me a warning about graphics hardware issues. So when it broke down completely I called HP and had them send me a shipping box (after I'd gone through their lame initial troubleshooting steps that the CSR refused to accept I'd already tried on my own.) I told them exactly what was wrong with it so the repair guys would have a head start on fixing it. The box arrived about two weeks later (they said it would take 4 business days) and I sent it off. Five weeks later the computer comes back, still broken. It wouldn't POST or anything. The paperwork accompanying it said they'd replaced a faulty hard drive and it was fine now. I called them back and asked them what the fuck they were doing, as there was nothing wrong with the hard drive. I asked them if they even tried testing the computer out before they shipped it back, and they told me it was "fully tested". Eventually I was able to convince them it was still broken. By this time the warranty had expired. They assured me it would still be covered since the original repair request was made under warranty. I asked them if my warranty would be extended to cover the time they wasted "fixing" a problem that didn't exist, and they basically said no, mistakes happen occasionally etc. etc. That was gay. So the guy said he'd send another repair box out to me, which I said was retarded since I already had a perfectly good box, just give me a weblink to a shipping label I could print off so I could send it back without having to wait another two weeks for a box to arrive. The guy had me on hold for half an hour talking to his manager trying to get approval to use the same box, and eventually they decided to allow it so the laptop went back for repairs. Another six weeks later it came back with paperwork saying the GPU was fried and they'd replaced the entire mainboard. This time my computer powered up but they'd installed the wrong operating system. I'd bought it with Windows Vista Ultimate x64 (clearly indicated on the MS product label on the bottom of the laptop) and they replaced it with Home Premium x86. I called in to complain about this and the guy said I'd have to send it in again to get the OS reinstalled, but since it was no longer under warranty I'd have to pay for the labor. I asked them why they expected me to pay for it when it was repeated fuckups on their part that caused this issue, and the guy didn't really have an answer, but he did tell me he didn't appreciate my tone of voice. I immediately demanded to speak to a supervisor, and eventually got one. I explained the whole situation and the guy was very understanding, and said it would be no problem to extend the warranty for a year. I said that was great, but I was just going to borrow an installation disc and redo the OS install myself as it would be a lot quicker that way. The guy said he'd send paperwork to confirm the warranty was extended and he was also going to throw in $200 in HP gift certificates for the trouble I had to go through. The paperwork never showed up (though the gift certificates did; I later burned them) so I called back and found out the guy no longer worked for HP and the new case supervisor told me she wasn't authorized to extend any warranties or give out gift certificates and that she had no record of HP having offered that to me. I basically blew up on the phone, told her and her entire company to fuck off and that I was going to tell everyone I knew what had happened, and hung up.

Eight months later, the laptop suffered exactly the same failure as before. I did some research online and found out this had happened to a lot of people on similar models due to poor design, and HP had offered an extended warranty to all these people to cover the defect. My model wasn't covered, but the US model identical to mine was. I called in to complain about this and the idiot I spoke to basically told me I should be happy with what I'd gotten from them as they'd already given me a whole new mainboard when my laptop was technically already out of warranty. I didn't think there was much point in explaining the situation to him so I just hung up, took the laptop outside, and ran it over several times with my Jeep. I should've taken the hard drives out first. ;)

Now I've got an ASUS G73JH-A1 and it is the most awesome computer I've ever owned. I should've bought ASUS the first time around as I built my desktop rig using all ASUS components and it lasted 12 years (handed down to several family members) without a single hardware failure.

So yeah. In conclusion, never buy HP.

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Penguin »

I felt the frustration in that post! And, mark my words I won't buy HP, cause of you! So you can tell yourself your experience led to something good. :D

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by DevilsGM »

:cry: Sorry man I had one for the longest time and still do have a file I used but for some reason it appears I got rid of the blank file and keep the used one...even though I don't use it anymore. :? So basicly I chimed in for no reason...again sorry. :lol:
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Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Commish Bub(NYR) »

Ain't technology grand? And thanks for the heads-up about HP. We'll be in the market for a new laptop in the coming months, so your cautionary tale is good to know.

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Parker »

I'd definitely recommend ASUS. My technology-oriented friends and colleages and I have never had any issues with any of their hardware. Quality, durability, fit and finish are all top-notch and we're all agreed that they provide the best price-to-performance ratio of any brand out there. ... RvvlvcvNbn
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Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

I'm almost certain that I have a copy of it. I'll check tonight for you Glen.
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Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Finally remembered to check for this on the PC I backed my hard drive up on. I don't have the startup file.

Sorry Glen.
Adam Burke
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Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Parker »

Eh, no worries. Thanks for looking.
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Re: Startup Savefile

Post by SharksGM »

I have a copy from Sep 27 2009 if you want. I guess I was dumb and extracted it into my EHM directory instead of EHM saves. Did you want everything or just players.ehm? I definitely won't have the news pages.

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by Parker »

Oh, sweet. Yeah, just players.ehm is fine. Thanks!

Re: Startup Savefile

Post by NashvilleGM »

hey guys I'd like to grab the file, hit me up on msn : sprew_8 AT hotm
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