5QF - 7/15/11

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Virtual Jarmo
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5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Let's fire this back up.

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by SabresGM »

1. Best album = The Strokes "Angles" , Best movie = The Town (I only saw it in 2011)
2. Flyers trading Carter and Richards.
3. Jakub Jerabek :P
4. Black Swan
5. Washington Redskins
Jungle Cats

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Jungle Cats »

Man, I'd love to say that Strokes album... I was a huge Strokes fan in high school. Funny how things change like that. I've really enjoyed Tune-Yards' Whokill, Washed Out's Within and Without, and yes, the new Bon Iver album. What happened to my rock?
I've only bothered to see Bridesmaids and Thor in theatres this year, so...

Dale Tallon's making me feel better about my management of the Panthers. Fleischmann at 4.5 million for four years? What, are you going to stick him on the bus for road trips? Upshall at 3.5?

Colten St. Clair?

Maybe Synechdoche, New York. Good flick, but the ending just sorta turns over itself.

I could do without the casual racism of say, Chief Wahoo/The Redskins, but what I might find really offensive in this case is anyone citing a tradition or 'history' of a sports franchise being a reason to retain such regrettable imagery.

Of course, a large population (okay, a large percentage of the small population) of Native Americans don't have a problem with these things, and it's really the agenda of the activist crowd - but that's neither here nor there, because this is casual racism. It's not malicious, but it certainly doesn't contribute to any positive dialogue about the treatment and perception of Native Americans.

Would your perception change if instead of 'Indians' (an out-dated term that is still frequently self-applied within their communities) the Cleveland MLB team was nicknamed whichever N-word look best on a baseball jersey, and instead of a smiling caricature of a 'Red Indian,' their logo was a thick-lipped sambo character ->

Last edited by Jungle Cats on Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Jets GM »

1. last movie i saw was the fighter, even though it was Dec. 2010 I'll say that.

2. lolmikerichardaments

3. Reece Scarlett, who I can only assume is a combination of reese witherspoon and scarlett johansson

4. Being John Malkovich re: the scene when Malkovich goes through the portal into "a place no man should see".

5. No.
Most recent file here.

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Penguin »

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?

Album: Best Day Ever, Mac Miller
Movie: Don't know if it came out in 2011, but I watched 22 bullets the other day. Sick movie!

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

Habs not offering anything to Wiz.

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

Nobody was a steal, really.

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

I'll go with Buffalo on this one, Black Swan.

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?

Is Don Cherry considered a mascot? :roll:
Jungle Cats

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Jungle Cats »


Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by OttawaGM »

Movie: I don't see alot of movies for i'm gonna go with The Hangover 2

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

The Pens not renewing Max Talbot, that's gonna hurt especially since he went to Philly.

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?
Joachim Nermark :D I can't answer this one.

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"
The Nhl season 2011 .:o Produced by Gary Bettman :lol:

5. For the mascot/teamname , not really no.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by TorontoGM »

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?
Haven't listened to many quality albums this year but Brad Mehldau's "Live at Marciac" is an awesome album. A lot of sequels and a lot of overrated garbage in theaters these days but I really enjoyed "Rango" and "13 Assassins".

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?
Colorado trading for Varlamov.....YA I said it!

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?
obv no one I have drafted.

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"
James Franco movie called "Camille".

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?
BSC Young Boys, best known for their soccer clubs.
Montreal Canadiens

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Montreal Canadiens »

1. Best Album and movie so far in 2011?

There is supposed to be some good ones coming out later in 2011, but as far as the one's I've listened to......Seether's new one is pretty solid. As far as movie goes, Transformers 3 was badass. Hangover 2 was good.

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

Varlarmov trade was brutal. Ehrhoff signing was brutal.

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

We already went through this.....Jensen can become a big steal, Mayfield was solid at #31.

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

Sucker Punch.

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?

Offensive? No, but there are a lot of team names that are pretty silly. For people in that background, Kansas City Chiefs could be considered offensive? I dont know.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?

Probably Bridesmaids. Horrible Bosses was pretty good. Hangover 2 sucked. Best album, I'd have to go with Incubus's"If Not Now, When?"

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?


3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

Oskar Lindstedt, 133 to NSH

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

Been a while since I watched it, but Eyes Wide Shut

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?

Considering my favorite team is a huge culprit of this according to the overly sensitive crowd, not in the slightest. Pays homage and respect more than denigrates.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Femur »

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?

yikes! current events not my strong suit...googled albums of 2011 and the only one i have is DJ Quick, so i will go with that....its not bad, too.

saw HP 7 p 2 with the six-year-old last night. really enjoyed it, but see below

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

Richards / Carter / Bryzgalov by Flyers. classic overreaction by the club; they will give up less goals and score less, too yipee! how new jersey of them

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

when Ingat Shemenko double-boosts like Brian Ward did for me last year it will be him. if not, i will go with Mayfield at #31 'cause i was gonna get him at #33 if NAS didn't

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

HP 7 p 2. me and the aforementioned six-year-old have been reading the HP books going on over a year and we are about 3/4s the way through book 6 right now. well, my ma (his gramdma) has let him see the movies of #6 and 7 p 1, so he knew what was happening, but i was clueless for a lot of the film.

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?

not a fan of Wahoo. i only have one hat left with him on it, and only really use it for yard work. i am hardly the most PC guy in the world, but i don't buy the "i am not offended, and you shouldn't be either" argument. who is to say what is offensive? if so many are offended, why make them put up with it? i mean, it is only a stupid mascot...what could possibly mean less in the world than that?
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Commish Bub(NYR) »

1. Best album and movie so far in 2011?

I've only bought/heard one recent (ie, 2010) release, Brian Eno's "Small Craft on a Milk Sea." Great, if you like ambient.

But of the movies from 2011, here's my take:
GOOD to GOOD ENOUGH: Bridesmaids, Adjustment Bureau, Captain America, Source Code, Lincoln Lawyer, Limitless
OKAY to MEH: Friends With Benefits, Super 8, The Conspirator
SUCKED: Horrible Bosses, Midnight in Paris

2. Worst offseason move by a NHL team?

Philly, counting their moves as one. Unless Jagr scores 50. :lol:

3. Now, midway through the 6th round, who is the biggest steal of the EHEC draft?

If he boosts x3, the Brennan Serville for PHX.

4. What's the last movie you watched and went "What the fuck just happened?"

Probably Inception, but not because it was mind-blowing. More because you just knew there was going to be a rash of Matrix-like proclamations about how this movie confronted reality and asked really deep questions. Please. (Honorable mentions to last year's "The Ghost Writer" and this year's "Midnight in Paris" for getting 90+% on Rotten Tomatoes. Awful, awful movies, both.)

5. Do you find any mascots/team names offensive?

Yeah, but if the tribe involved (since pretty much all of the mascots in question are Native-related, unless you want to argue against "Fighting Irish.") is okay with it, then I won't quibble. But Redskins? Yeah, but then I hate the team anyway. The Cleveland Indians mascot and old Chief Noc-A-Homa for Atlanta? Yeah, them too.
Montreal Canadiens

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Montreal Canadiens »

Horrible Bosses sucked? Wow, actually the first person I've talked to directly/indirectly that hasn't liked it. I've actually seen it twice in theatres (2nd time for free) and still thought it was funny.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Commish Bub(NYR) »

Montreal Canadiens wrote:Horrible Bosses sucked? Wow, actually the first person I've talked to directly/indirectly that hasn't liked it. I've actually seen it twice in theatres (2nd time for free) and still thought it was funny.
Laughed twice. Once when Kevin Spacey throws a fit at his surprise party, and once when the three friends were driving off to start the insanity and keep almost running into each other in the parking lot.

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Parker »

Montreal Canadiens wrote:Horrible Bosses sucked? Wow, actually the first person I've talked to directly/indirectly that hasn't liked it. I've actually seen it twice in theatres (2nd time for free) and still thought it was funny.
The old lady said it was pretty funny but since she's an elementary school teacher I figure there might have been some vicarious enjoyment there, the same way I loved Office Space partly because I worked in a similar industry and had to deal with exactly the same bosses. The funny thing is, I quit IT work to go into construction just like Peter Gibbons did.

Not that I'm comparing a classic like Office Space to a disposable comedy like Horrible Bosses, but yeah.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Parker wrote:Not that I'm comparing a classic like Office Space to a disposable comedy like Horrible Bosses, but yeah.
Part of what's a turn off to movies is when an actor plays an irritating character. You find yourself getting lost in how annoying they are. The guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia who was in Horrible Bosses was just brutal to watch.

It's just like How I Met Your Mother and how I'm not a big fan of that show. Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) just sucks. Ruins the whole show for me and there's a ton of talent in that cast.
Adam Burke
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Commish Bub(NYR) »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:
Parker wrote:Not that I'm comparing a classic like Office Space to a disposable comedy like Horrible Bosses, but yeah.
Part of what's a turn off to movies is when an actor plays an irritating character. You find yourself getting lost in how annoying they are. The guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia who was in Horrible Bosses was just brutal to watch.
Agreed. The only one of the three friends I found at all likable was Jason Bateman. Too bad, because the movie wasted fun performances by Spacey, Aniston, Ferrell, and Foxx.

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Parker »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:Part of what's a turn off to movies is when an actor plays an irritating character. You find yourself getting lost in how annoying they are. The guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia who was in Horrible Bosses was just brutal to watch.
Like Ben Stiller in pretty much every role since Reality Bites.
Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:It's just like How I Met Your Mother and how I'm not a big fan of that show. Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) just sucks. Ruins the whole show for me and there's a ton of talent in that cast.
I've never watched that show. I can't buy into NPH as a womanizer... he's a goofy-looking dork and the horrible miscasting there bothers me so much that I can't even give the show a chance.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Parker wrote:Like Ben Stiller in pretty much every role since Reality Bites.
Did like him as White Goodman in Dodgeball. Beyond that, yes.
Parker wrote:I've never watched that show. I can't buy into NPH as a womanizer... he's a goofy-looking dork and the horrible miscasting there bothers me so much that I can't even give the show a chance.
Well, considering that he's gay as well, yes, it's a hard role to get. I'm just a big Jason Segel fan, I like Alyson Hannigan, and Colbie Smulders who plays the other one is fairly funny. They've had some decent cameos. I don't like the show's format and I just hate Josh Radnor's character.

Wife likes it, so we watch it. It's definitely no Big Bang Theory, that's for sure.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Parker »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:Did like him as White Goodman in Dodgeball. Beyond that, yes.
Yeah, in that role his annoying-ness actually made him a BETTER character. He is very easy to root against.
Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:Well, considering that he's gay as well, yes, it's a hard role to get. I'm just a big Jason Segel fan, I like Alyson Hannigan, and Colbie Smulders who plays the other one is fairly funny. They've had some decent cameos. I don't like the show's format and I just hate Josh Radnor's character.
The sexual orientation doesn't bother me at all; he doesn't come off as a gay guy trying to play straight to me. I just don't think he's charismatic or physically attractive enough for the role he plays. Kind of like how I don't like Nicholas Cage in action roles, other than the "everyman in extraordinary situation" ones like The Rock or Gone In 60 Seconds (sorta.) I hate him as a bigger-than-life action hero because he looks like someone I could beat up, even in the roles where he looks like he works out, like Con Air. Airborne Ranger my ass.

I am a big fan of Jason Segal and Band Camp Girl too. I just prefer them in non-TV-friendly roles.
Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:Wife likes it, so we watch it. It's definitely no Big Bang Theory, that's for sure.
Yeah, I get stuck watching all those real estate reality shows cuz the old lady is into that stuff. They're not as bad when you're high as fuck. And Big Bang Theory is awesome, though I constantly wonder why nobody has ever beat Sheldon Cooper to death.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Parker wrote:Yeah, in that role his annoying-ness actually made him a BETTER character. He is very easy to root against.
Agree. Night at the Museum 1 & 2 aren't terrible.
Parker wrote:The sexual orientation doesn't bother me at all; he doesn't come off as a gay guy trying to play straight to me. I just don't think he's charismatic or physically attractive enough for the role he plays. Kind of like how I don't like Nicholas Cage in action roles, other than the "everyman in extraordinary situation" ones like The Rock or Gone In 60 Seconds (sorta.) I hate him as a bigger-than-life action hero because he looks like someone I could beat up, even in the roles where he looks like he works out, like Con Air. Airborne Ranger my ass.

I am a big fan of Jason Segal and Band Camp Girl too. I just prefer them in non-TV-friendly roles.
I just think that with NPH, it makes the role more ironic and interesting. I like his character on the show. It's hard to believe he's gay when he's in that role.

Nick Cage in acting movies is a no, unless it's as you said, a group leader role like Gone in 60 Seconds.
Parker wrote:Yeah, I get stuck watching all those real estate reality shows cuz the old lady is into that stuff. They're not as bad when you're high as fuck. And Big Bang Theory is awesome, though I constantly wonder why nobody has ever beat Sheldon Cooper to death.
We had that phase too. Now she just watches all kinds of wedding shows. While I think of ways to try and not have to pay any attention to them.

Food Network's always a solid fallback if there's nothing on.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by SabresGM »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:
Parker wrote:Yeah, in that role his annoying-ness actually made him a BETTER character. He is very easy to root against.
Agree. Night at the Museum 1 & 2 aren't terrible.
Parker wrote:The sexual orientation doesn't bother me at all; he doesn't come off as a gay guy trying to play straight to me. I just don't think he's charismatic or physically attractive enough for the role he plays. Kind of like how I don't like Nicholas Cage in action roles, other than the "everyman in extraordinary situation" ones like The Rock or Gone In 60 Seconds (sorta.) I hate him as a bigger-than-life action hero because he looks like someone I could beat up, even in the roles where he looks like he works out, like Con Air. Airborne Ranger my ass.

I am a big fan of Jason Segal and Band Camp Girl too. I just prefer them in non-TV-friendly roles.
I just think that with NPH, it makes the role more ironic and interesting. I like his character on the show. It's hard to believe he's gay when he's in that role.

Nick Cage in acting movies is a no, unless it's as you said, a group leader role like Gone in 60 Seconds.
Parker wrote:Yeah, I get stuck watching all those real estate reality shows cuz the old lady is into that stuff. They're not as bad when you're high as fuck. And Big Bang Theory is awesome, though I constantly wonder why nobody has ever beat Sheldon Cooper to death.
We had that phase too. Now she just watches all kinds of wedding shows. While I think of ways to try and not have to pay any attention to them.

Food Network's always a solid fallback if there's nothing on.
Man you married guys are depressing lol. What happened to Sportscenter? I personally like HIMY more than I do Big Bang. Lately though its all HBO
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

SabresGM wrote:Man you married guys are depressing lol. What happened to Sportscenter? I personally like HIMY more than I do Big Bang. Lately though its all HBO
Don't get me wrong, I still watch every single Indians game. Watch college football on Saturdays and can check on whatever college hoops games I bet.

We just have a constant collection of shows we watch. Ranging from Dexter and Shameless on Showtime to I Shouldn't Be Alive on Animal Planet to Dual Survival and Deadliest Catch on Discovery. Plus three or four network shows.

She watches True Blood and stuff by herself when I'm doing EHEC work or whatever.

We've got a good balance and we like a lot of the same stuff. What she doesn't like, she deals with and what I don't like, I don't watch.

BTW, American Sportscenter sucks. Nothing but pretentious douches talking in overused cliches and blowing the Yankee/Red Sox of the day.
Adam Burke
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by TorontoGM »

HBO shits out gold.

Anyone watch "The Yard"? I love that show.

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Parker »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:I just think that with NPH, it makes the role more ironic and interesting. I like his character on the show. It's hard to believe he's gay when he's in that role.
He just reminds me of Vic Damone from Fast Times. A guy who thinks he's a player, but he's the only one who thinks so. Except he has all these chicks, which makes no sense. NPH I mean, not Vic Damone.
Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:We had that phase too. Now she just watches all kinds of wedding shows. While I think of ways to try and not have to pay any attention to them.

Food Network's always a solid fallback if there's nothing on.
Ugh, thanks for reminding me. She's a big Cake Boss fan too. :P
SabresGM wrote:Man you married guys are depressing lol. What happened to Sportscenter? I personally like HIMY more than I do Big Bang. Lately though its all HBO
Hahaha. I'm not actually married. Besides, she watches a lot more baseball with me than I watch HGTV and Food Network with her. And yeah, premium TV is the way to go. I just got into watching Dexter and it is awesome. Can't wait for the next season of The Walking Dead.
Montreal Canadiens

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Montreal Canadiens »

This is why 2 TV's and a PVR rock. What I don't want to watch, she records and watches while I'm at work.

Were you talking about Jason Sudeikis? I haven't seen Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Or the actual hamster looking guy Charlie Day?

I find Jason Sudeikis completely annoying. Jason Bateman is awesome, and Charlie Day was ok. His voice was pretty annoying, but either than that he was alright. Hall Pass wasn't funny at all, not sure why some people actually thought it was.

He'd never be able to pick up Jennifer Aniston or Kevin Spacey's wife if that was a real life situation lol. Especially with a pick up line of "are you a model"? Will have to try that one.
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Virtual Jarmo »

Montreal Canadiens wrote:Were you talking about Jason Sudeikis? I haven't seen Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Or the actual hamster looking guy Charlie Day?
Charlie Day.

I've never seen it either. Only reason I know he's on it is because the Monsters pre-game PSA about fan conduct shows clips from the show.
Adam Burke
Former Commissioner, Current Jackets GM and Owner of Eastside's Hockey Elite Collide

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Parker »

Montreal Canadiens wrote:Hall Pass wasn't funny at all, not sure why some people actually thought it was.
I know, that movie totally sucked. That one chick was pretty easy on the eyes though.

Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by SabresGM »

Montreal Canadiens wrote:This is why 2 TV's and a PVR rock. What I don't want to watch, she records and watches while I'm at work.

Were you talking about Jason Sudeikis? I haven't seen Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Or the actual hamster looking guy Charlie Day?

I find Jason Sudeikis completely annoying. Jason Bateman is awesome, and Charlie Day was ok. His voice was pretty annoying, but either than that he was alright. Hall Pass wasn't funny at all, not sure why some people actually thought it was.

He'd never be able to pick up Jennifer Aniston or Kevin Spacey's wife if that was a real life situation lol. Especially with a pick up line of "are you a model"? Will have to try that one.
"60 percent of the time, it works every time"
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Re: 5QF - 7/15/11

Post by Commish Bub(NYR) »

Commissioner (CBJ) wrote:BTW, American Sportscenter sucks. Nothing but pretentious douches talking in overused cliches and blowing the Yankee/Red Sox of the day.
+1. Okay, +10.

ESPN is pretty much the Starfucking Network. They either show a sport, or laugh at it.
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